Nways Multiprotocol Access Services
Protocol Configuration and Monitoring
Reference Version 3.3 Volume 2
This chapter describes the AppleTalk Phase 2 (AP2) configuring and
monitoring commands. It includes the following sections:
To access the AppleTalk Phase 2 configuration environment,
enter the following command at the Config> prompt:
Config> ap2
AP2 Protocol user configuration
AP2 Config>
This section describes the AppleTalk Phase 2 configuration commands.
The AppleTalk Phase 2 configuration commands allow you to specify network
parameters for router interfaces that transmit AppleTalk Phase 2
packets. The information you specify with the configuration commands
becomes activated when you restart the router.
Enter the AppleTalk Phase 2 configuration commands at the AP2
config> prompt. Table 53 shows the commands.
Table 53. AppleTalk Phase 2 Configuration Commands Summary
| Function
? (Help)
| Displays all the commands available for this command level or lists the
options for specific commands (if available). See "Getting Help".
| Adds zone names, network filters, and zone filters to an
| Deletes the zone names, interfaces, network filters, and zone
| Disables interfaces, checksumming, split-horizon routing, network
filters, or zone filters, or globally disables AppleTalk Phase 2.
| Enables interfaces, checksumming, split-horizon routing, network
filters, zone filters, or globally enables AppleTalk Phase 2.
| Displays the current AppleTalk Phase 2 configuration.
| Sets the cache size, network range, and node number.
| Returns you to the previous command level. See "Exiting a Lower Level Environment".
Use the add command to add the zone name to the interface zone
list or to add the zone name to the interface zone list as the default for the
interface or to add network and zone filters.
- add
- zone . . .
- defaultzone . . .
- nfilter in .
. .
- nfilter out
. . .
- zfilter in .
. .
- zfilter out
. . .
- zone interface# zonename
- Adds the zone name to the interface zone list. If you define a
network number for an interface, you should also define the zone names for the
interface. If you did not define a network number, do not define zone
ap2config>add zone
Interface # [0]? 0
Zone name []? Finance
- defaultzone interface# zonename
- Adds a default zone name for the interface. If a node on the
network requests a zone name that is invalid, the router assigns the default
zone name to the node until another zone name is chosen. If you add
more than one default to an interface, the last one added overrides the
previous default. If you do not add a default, the first zone name
added using the zone command is the default.
ap2config>add defaultzone
Interface # [0]? 0
Zone name []? Headquarters
- nfilter in interface# first network# last network#
- Adds a network filter to the input of the interface. The network
range that you enter must match the network range you set for that
interface. You cannot filter only a portion of a network range.
For example, if you set a network range of 1-10, and you set up a filter
for 5-8, the router filters the full network range of 1-10.
ap2config>add nfilter in
Interface # [0]? 0
First Network range number (decimal) [0]? 1
Last Network range number (decimal) [0]? 10
- nfilter out interface# first network# last network#
- Adds a network filter to the output of the interface. The network
range that you enter must match the network range you set for that
interface. You cannot filter only a portion of a network range.
For example, if you set a network range of 1-0, and you set up a filter
for 5-8, the router filters the full network range of 1-10.
ap2config>add nfilter out
Interface # [0]? 0
First Network range number (decimal) [0]? 11
Last Network range number (decimal) [0]? 20
- zfilter in interface# zone name
- Adds a zone name filter to the input or output of the interface.
ap2config>add zfilter in
Interface # [0]? 1
Zone name []? Marketing
- zfilter out interface# zone name
- Adds a zone name filter to the output of the interface.
ap2config>add zfilter out
Interface # [0]? 0
Zone name []? Corporate
Use the delete command to delete a zone name from the interface
zone list, network or zone name filters, or all AppleTalk Phase 2 information
from an interface.
- delete
- zone . . .
- nfilter in
. . .
- nfilter out
. . .
- zfilter in
. . .
- zfilter out
. . .
- interface
- zone interface# zonename
- Deletes a zone name from the interface zone list.
ap2config>delete zone 2 newyork
- nfilter in interface# first network# last network#
- Deletes a network filter from the input of the interface. You must
enter the same network range numbers you set using the add nfilter
in command.
ap2config>delete nfilter in
Interface # [0]? 0
First Network range number (decimal) [0]? 1
Last Network range number (decimal) [0]? 12
- nfilter out interface#
- Deletes a network filter from the output of the interface. You must
enter the same network range numbers you set using the add nfilter
out command.
ap2config>delete nfilter out
Interface # [0]? 0
First Network range number (decimal) [0]? 11
Last Network range number (decimal) [0]? 20
- zfilter in interface# zone name
- Deletes a zone name filter from the input of the interface.
ap2config>delete nfilter in
Interface # [0]? 1
Zone name []? Marketing
- zfilter out interface# zone name
- Deletes a zone name filter from the output of the interface.
delete zfilter out
Interface # [0]? 1
Zone name []? Marketing
- interface
- Use this command to delete an interface. This is the only way to
delete zone names that have non-printing characters.
ap2config>delete interface 1
Use the disable command to disable AP2 on all interfaces or on a
specified interface, checksumming, filtering, APL/AP2 translation, or split
horizon routing.
- disable
- ap2
- checksum
- interface . . .
- nfilter in
. . .
- nfilter out
. . .
- zfilter in
. . .
- zfilter out
. . .
- split-horizon-routing . . .
- ap2
- Disables the AppleTalk Phase 2 packet forwarder for all interfaces.
ap2config>disable ap2
- checksum
- Specifies that the router will not compute the checksum in packets it
generates. The router usually checksums all packets it forwards.
This is the default.
ap2config>disable checksum
- interface interface#
- Disables all AP2 functions on the specified network interface. The
network continues to remain available for all other protocols.
ap2config>disable interface 2
- nfilter in interface#
- Disables, but does not delete, the input network filters on this
ap2config>disable nfilter in
Interface # [0]? 2
- nfilter out interface#
- Disables, but does not delete, the output network filters on this
ap2config>disable nfilter out
Interface # [0]? 2
- zfilter in interface#
- Disables, but does not delete, the input zone filters on this
ap2config>disable zfilter in
Interface # [0]? 1
- zfilter out interface#
- Disables, but does not delete, the output zone filters on this
ap2config>disable zfilter out O
Interface # [0]? 1
- split-horizon-routing interface#
- Disables split-horizon-routing on this interface. You need to
disable split-horizon routing only on Frame Relay interfaces that are on a hub
in a partially-meshed Frame Relay network. Disabling split-horizon
routing causes all of the routing tables to be propagated on this
ap2config>disable split-horizon-routing 0
Use the enable command to enable the checksum function, to
enable a specified interface, to enable AppleTalk 2 gateway function, or to
globally enable the AppleTalk Phase 2 protocol.
- enable
- ap2
- checksum
- interface . . .
- nfilter in .
. .
- nfilter out
. . .
- split-horizon-routing . . .
- zfilter . . .
- ap2
- Enables the AppleTalk Phase 2 packet forwarder over all of the
ap2config>enable ap2
- checksum
- Specifies that the router will compute the checksum in packets it
generates. The router checksums all AP2 packets it forwards.
ap2config>enable checksum
- interface interface#
- Enables the router to send AppleTalk Phase 2 packets over specific
ap2config>enable interface 3
- nfilter in exclusive or exclusive interface#
- Enables network input filters and controls how the filter is applied to
the interface. Inclusive forwards matches. Exclusive drops
ap2config>enable filter in inc
Interface # [0]? 1
- nfilter out exclusive or exclusive interface#
- Enables network output filters and controls how the filter is applied to
the interface. Inclusive forwards matches. Exclusive drops
ap2config>enable filter out exec
Interface # [0]? 1
- split-horizon-routing interface #
- Enables split-horizon routing on the interface. The default is
ap2config>enable split-horizon-routing 1
- zfilter
- Enables zone filters assigned to an interface. Must specify if
filter is "in" or "out" and if the filter is inclusive or
exclusive. Inclusive means that only packets matching the filter will
be routed. Exclusive means that all packets matching the filter will be
ap2config>enable zfilter in inc
Interface # [0]?
ap2config>enable zfilter out exec
Interface # [0]? 0
Use the list command to display the current AP2
configuration. In the example, the router is a seed router on
interfaces 0 and 1
Note: | The list command accepts an interface# as an
- list
APL2 globally enabled
Checksumming disabled
Cache size 500
List of configured interfaces:
Interface netrange / node Zone
0 1000-1000 / 1 "SerialLine"(Def)
Input ZFilters disabled
Input NFilters (inclusive)
Output ZFilters disabled
Output NFilters disabled
Split-horizon-routing enabled
1 10-19 / 52 "EtherTalk", "Sales"(Def)
Input ZFilters disabled
Input NFilters (inclusive)
Output ZFilters disabled
Output NFilters disabled
Split-horizon-routing enabled
2 unseeded net / 0
Input ZFilters disabled
Input NFilters (inclusive)
Output ZFilters disabled
Output NFilters disabled
Split-horizon-routing disabled
- APL2 globally
- Indicates whether AppleTalk Phase 2 is globally enabled or
- Checksumming
- Indicates whether checksum is enabled or disabled.
- Cache size
- Number of fastpath cache entries.
- List of configured interfaces
- Lists each interface number and its network range, node number, and zone
name(s) as well as the default zone.
For each interface also lists whether or not input and output zone filters
and network filters and enabled or disabled. If they are enabled,
indicates whether or not they are inclusive or exclusive.
- Input/output Zfilters
- Indicates zone filters assigned to an interface. Inclusive means
that only packets matching the filter will be routed. Exclusive means
that all packets matching the filter will be discarded. The name of the
zone filtered is displayed. Input means that the filter is applied to
traffic coming into the interface. Output means that filter is applied
to traffic going out to the interface.
- Input/output Nfilters
- Indicates net filters assigned to an interface. Inclusive means
that only packets matching the filter will be routed. Exclusive means
that all packets matching the filter will be discarded. The range of
networks filtered is displayed. Input means that the filter is applied
to traffic coming into the interface. Output means that filter is
applied to traffic going out to the interface.
- Split-horizon-routing
- Shows whether or not split-horizon routing is enabled or disabled on each
Use the set command to define the cache-size of fastpath or
specific AppleTalk Phase 2 parameters, including the network range in seed
routers and the node number.
- set
- cache-size . . .
- net-range . . .
- node . . .
- cache-size value
- Cache-size corresponds to the total number of AppleTalk
networks and nodes that can simultaneously communicate through this router
using the fastpath feature. (Fastpath is a method of precalculating MAC
headers to forward packets more quickly.) The default is 500, which
allows up to 500 networks and nodes to simultaneously communicate through the
router and still use fastpath. If the number of networks and nodes
becomes greater than the cache size, the router still forwards the packets,
but it does not use fastpath. Valid values for cache size are: 0
(disable), 100 to 10 000. Although not recommended, setting
the cache-size to zero disables the fastpath feature and no memory is used for
the cache. You need to change this default only for very large
networks. Each cache-size entry uses 36 bytes of memory.
ap2config>set cache-size 700
- net-range interface# first# last#
- Assigns the network range in seed routers using the following:
- interface# - Designates the router interface to operate on.
- first# - Assigns the lowest number of the network range. Legal
values are 1 to 65279 (10xFEFF hexadecimal).
- last# - Sets the highest number of the network range. Legal values
are first# to 65279.
A single numbered network has the same first and last values. A
first value of zero deletes the netrange for the interface and turn the
"seeded" interface into an "unseeded" interface. First# and
last# are inclusive in the network range.
Setting the first value to zero on a Point-to-Point (PPP) interface allows
that interface to operate in "half-router" mode. In half-router mode,
neither of the two ends of a PPP network is configured with a network range or
a zone list which reduces the amount of configuration needed. Both
routers on a PPP network must operate in the same mode.
Note: | When connecting a 2216 to an IBM 6611 using a PPP interface, set the 2216 for
"half-router" mode which is the only mode of operation
supported by the IBM 6611 for AppleTalk communications over a PPP
ap2config>set Net-Range 2 43 45
- node interface# node#
- Assigns the starting node number for the router. The router will
AARP for this node but if it is already in use, a new node will be
chosen. The following explains each argument that is entered after this
- interface# - Designates the router interface to operate on.
- node# - Designates the first attempted node number. Legal values
are 1 to 253. A node# value of zero deletes the node number for the
interface and forces the router to choose one at random.
ap2config>set node 2 2
To access the AppleTalk Phase 2 monitoring environment,
enter the following command at the + (GWCON) prompt:
+ protocol ap2
This section describes the AppleTalk Phase 2 monitoring commands which
allow you to view the parameters and statistics of the interfaces and networks
that transmit AppleTalk Phase 2 packets. Monitoring commands display
configuration values for the physical, frame, and packet levels. You
also have the option of viewing the values for all three protocol levels at
Enter the AppleTalk Phase 2 monitoring commands at the AP2>
prompt. Table 54 shows the commands.
Table 54. AppleTalk Phase 2 Monitoring Command Summary
| Function
? (Help)
| Displays all the commands available for this command level or lists the
options for specific commands (if available). See "Getting Help".
| Sends echo requests and watches for responses.
| Displays the cache table entries.
Clear Counters
| Clears all cache usage counters and packet overflow
| Displays the overflow count of AP2 packets for each
| Displays the current state of the routing table for all networks in
the internet and their associated zone names.
| Displays the current addresses of the interfaces.
| Returns you to the previous command level. See "Exiting a Lower Level Environment".
The atecho command sends AppleTalk Echo Requests to a specified
destination and watches for a response. This command can be used to
verify basic AppleTalk connectivity and to isolate trouble in the AppleTalk
- atecho dest_net dest_node
- dest_net
- Specifies the destination AppleTalk network number, in decimal.
This is a required parameter.
- dest_node
- Specifies the destination AppleTalk node number, in decimal. This
is a required parameter.
Note: | For many AppleTalk nodes, the network address (network number and node
number) is dynamically assigned and might not be readily available.
However, there are still a number of ways to use the atecho command
- The AppleTalk address for router nodes is statically configured in many
cases. Connectivity between router nodes is critical to overall network
- By setting the atecho destination node number to 255, you can query all
nodes on the specified network number on a directly attached AppleTalk
network. The received responses will indicate the node's node
number. These node numbers can then be used to echo these nodes from
distant routers to verify connectivity.
- src_net
- Source AppleTalk network number. This is an optional
parameter. If not specified, the router uses its interface network
number on the outgoing interface leading to the destination network. If
the outgoing interface is an unnumbered half-router PPP interface, the router
uses any one of its LAN interface network nodes.
- src_node
- Source AppleTalk node number. This is an optional parameter.
If not specified, the router uses its interface node number on the outgoing
interface leading to the destination network. If the outgoing interface
is an unnumbered half-router PPP interface, the router uses any one of its LAN
interface network nodes.
- size
- Number of bytes to use in the AppleTalk echo requests. This is an
optional parameter. Default is 56 bytes.
- rate
- Rate of sending AppleTalk echo requests. This is an optional
parameter. Default is one second.
Note: | If you enter atecho with no parameters, you are prompted for all
the parameters. Enter values for the required parameters and either
enter values for the optional parameters or accept defaults.
The cache command displays information about the cache-size
- cache
Example: cache
Destination Interface Usage Next Hop
122/22 1 1 27/5
138/51 0 1 27/5
23/7 1 1 Direct
- Destination
- AppleTalk node address (network number/node number).
- Net
- Number of the interface used to forward to the destination node.
- Usage
- Number of times this cache entry has been used in this aging period, which
is five seconds. An unused entry is deleted after 10 seconds.
- Next Hop
- The AppleTalk address of the next hop router used to forward a packet to
the destination node, or Direct if the destination node is directly connected
to the interface.
The clear-counters command clears all cache usage counters and packet
overflow counters.
- clear-counters
Use the counters command to display the number of packet
overflows on each network that sends and receives AppleTalk Phase 2
packets. This command displays the number of times the AppleTalk Phase
2 forwarder input queue was full when packets were received from the specified
- counters
Example: counters
AP2 Input Packet Overflows
Net Count
FR/0 0
Eth/0 4
PPP/0 22
Use the dump command to obtain routing table information about
the interfaces on the router that forwards AppleTalk Phase 2 packets.
Note: | dump interface# displays the part of the overall
network and zone information that is visible on that interface.
- dump
Example: dump
Dest Net Cost State Next hop Zone
10-19 0 Dir 0/0 "Ethertalk", "Sales"
40-49 1 Good 10/13 "Marketing", "CustomerSer",
20-29 2 Sspct 10/13 "Fuchsia", "Backbone",
"Engineering", "MKTING"
3 entries
You can also use the dump command with a specific interface to
display the routes that are visible on that interface. You can use this
feature to make sure filters are configured correctly because it shows whether
or not filtered zones or networks are visible to an interface.
Example: dump 0
View for interface 0
Dest net Cost State Next hop Zone
214-214 1 Good 152/152 "eth-214"
153-153 0 Dir "eth153"
152-152 0 Dir "ser152"
3 entries
- Dest Net
- Specifies the destination network number, in decimal.
- Cost
- Specifies the number of router hops to this destination network.
- State
- Specifies the state of the entry in the routing table. It includes
the following:
- Next hop
- Specifies the next hop for packets going to networks that are not directly
connected. For directly-connected networks, this is node number
- Zone(s)
- Specifies the human-understandable name for that network. The zone
name(s) is enclosed in double quotes in case there are embedded spaces or
non-printing characters. If the zone name contains characters beyond
the 7-bit ASCII character set (they are 8-bit), the zone name that displays
will depend on the characteristics of your monitoring terminal.
Use the interface command to display the addresses of all the
interfaces in the router on which AppleTalk Phase 2 is enabled. If the
interface is present in the router but is disabled, this command shows that
Note: | interface interface# displays the active filtering for
that interface. It displays net, node, default zone, and active filters
for one interface.
- interface
Example: interface
Interface Addresses
PPP/0 0/1 on net 1000-1000 default zone "SerialL ine"
Eth/0 10/52 on net 10-19 default zone "Sales"
PPP/1 0/0 in startup range
TKR/0 0/0 on net 20-29 default zone "Backbone"
You can also enter the interface command followed by a specific interface
number to view the AP2 configuration of that interface.
Example: interface 1
Eth/0 1/30 on net 1-5 default zone "marketing"
Input Net filters inclusive 1-5
Output Zone filters inclusive "finance"
Output Net filters exclusive 1-5
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